Personnel of the Faculty of Science

Asst. Prof. Dr.

Wirach Taweepreda

Assistant Professor


Graduated Year
Ph.D. (Theoretical and Physical Chemistry) UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL
United Kingdom
M.Sc. (Polymer Science and Technology) Mahidol University
B.Sc. (Chemistry) Prince of Songkla University

Specialist / Interested

Development of Natural Rubber (NR) products such as latex dense membrane
rubber hollow fiber membrane
artificial human skin
and purified rubber for medical proposes.


From Scopus

Author ID: 6505706851
Lajuliadi A.F., Zuhudi N.Z.M., Zukifli M., Yahaya A.N.A., Yusoff N.A., Taweepreda W., 2024. Peat Soil Classification Study: A Case Study in Ayer Hitam, Muar, Johor. Journal of Advanced Research Design 122(1): 113-128. (cited 0 times)
Badsha I., Rasal R.K., Taweepreda W., Gangasalam A., Thiyagarajan D., 2024. A curcumin quantum dot blended polyacrylonitrile electrospun nanofiber coating on 316 L SS for improved corrosion resistance in the marine environment. RSC Advances 14(44): 32109-32125. (cited 0 times)
Gayatri R., Yuliwati E., Jaafar J., Fizal A.N.S., Hossain M.S., Zulkifli M., Yahaya A.N.A., Taweepreda W., 2024. Polymer-based nanocomposite membranes for industrial wastewater treatment: A review. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 12(5) (cited 6 times)
Khalil N.A., Lajulliadi A.F., Abedin F.N.J., Fizal A.N.S., Safie S.I., Zulkifli M., Taweepreda W., Hossain M.S., Ahmad Yahaya A.N., 2024. Multifaceted Impact of Lipid Extraction on the Characteristics of Polymer-Based Sewage Sludge towards Sustainable Sludge Management. Polymers 16(18) (cited 0 times)
Tin K.K., Taweepreda W., Singh A., Wagri N.K., Kumar A., 2024. Fallen leaves to sustainable energy solution: review on hydrogen production. RSC Sustainability 2(10): 2751-2767. (cited 1 times)
Seansukato S., Ramachandran S.K., Lamlong S., Taweepreda W., Arthanareeswaran G., 2024. Effect of Viscosity and Air Gap within the Spinneret on the Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Hollow-Fiber Polymer Membranes for Separation Performance. Polymers 16(14) (cited 1 times)
Sakunwongwiriya P., Taweepreda W., Luenram S., Chungsiriporn J., Iewkittayakorn J., 2024. Characterization of Uncoated and Coated Fungal Mycelium-Based Composites from Water Hyacinth. Coatings 14(7) (cited 1 times)
Asman M.K.A., Lutpi N.A., Wong Y.S., Ong S.A., Hanif M.A., Ibrahim N., Dahalan F.A., Taweepreda W., Raja Nazri R.N.H., 2024. Unravelling the kinetics, isotherms, thermodynamics, and mass transfer behaviours of Zeolite Socony Mobil - 5 in removing hydrogen sulphide resulting from a dark fermentative biohydrogen production process. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26(30): 20409-20426. (cited 0 times)
Govardhanan B., GokulaKrishnan S.A., Arthanareeswaran G., Ashok M., Chen Y.S., Taweepreda W., 2024. Photocatalytic bio-inspired PDA-RGO/g-C3N4 nanocomposite incorporated PES membrane for removal of environmental antibiotic pollutants. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 99(6): 1401-1413. (cited 2 times)


From the Faculty of Science

Seansukato, S., Arthanareeswaran, G., & Taweepreda, W. (2024). Fabrication and Performance Evaluation of a Novel Composite PVC-ZnO Membrane for Ciprofloxacin Removal by Polymer-Enhanced Ultrafiltration (SCIE). Polymers, 16(24), Article number 3551.
Seansukato, S., Kumar Ramachandran, S., Lamlong, S., Taweepreda, W., & Arthanareeswaran, G. (2024). Effect of Viscosity and Air Gap within the Spinneret on the Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Hollow-Fiber Polymer Membranes for Separation Performance (SCIE). Polymers, 16(14), 1-19.
Badsha, I., Rasal, R., Taweepreda, W., Gangasalam, A., & Thiyagarajan, D. (2024). A curcumin quantum dot blended polyacrylonitrile electrospun nanofiber coating on 316 L SS for improved corrosion resistance in the marine environment (SCIE). Rsc Advances, 14(44), 32109 - 32125.
Asman, M., Lutpi, N., Wong, Y., Ong, S., Hanif, M., Ibrahim, N., Dahalan, F., Taweepreda, W., & Raja Nazri, R. (2024). Unravelling the kinetics, isotherms, thermodynamics, and mass transfer behaviours of Zeolite Socony Mobil - 5 in removing hydrogen sulphide resulting from a dark fermentative biohydrogen production process (SCIE). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 26(30), 20409 - 20426.
Sakunwongwiriya, P., Taweepreda, W., Leunram, S., Chungsiriporn, J., & Iewkittayakorn, J. (2024). Characterization of Uncoated and Coated Fungal Mycelium-Based Composites from Water Hyacinth. Coatings, 14(862), 1-12.
Gayatri, R., Fizal, A., Yuliwati, E., Zailani, M., Jaafar, J., Hossain, M., Zulkifli, M., Taweepreda, W., & Ahmad Yahaya, A. (2024). Effect of polyvinylidene fluoride concentration in PVDF-TiO2-PVP composite membranes properties and its performance in bovine serum albumin rejection. Case Studies In Chemical And Environmental Engineering, 9, Article number 100620.
Chai, A., Wong, Y., Ong, S., Lutpi, N., Sam, S., Taweepreda, W., Kee, W., & Khoo, H. (2023). Exploring the potential of thermophilic anaerobic co-digestion between agro-industrial waste and water hyacinth: operational performance, kinetic study and degradation pathway (SCIE). Bioprocess And Biosystems Engineering, 46(7), 995 - 1009.
Robin, R., Raja, V., Kumar, R., Arthanareeswaran, G., & Taweepreda, W. (2023). NaCMC-decorated ZnO nanocomposite polymer membranes for the separation of reactive dyes from textile water (SCIE). New Journal Of Chemistry, 47(44), 20517 - 20526.
Suksaeree, J., Bumroongrat, C., Polraksa, N., Taweepreda, W., Phaechamud, T., & Pichayakorn, W. (2023). Deproteinization of Natural Rubber Latex and Its Pale-Colored Thin Films (SCIE). Sustainability, 15(13), Article number 10015.
Gayatri, R., Fizal, A., Yuliwati, E., Hossain, M., Jaafar, J., Zulkifli, M., Taweepreda, W., & Ahmad Yahaya, A. (2023). Preparation and Characterization of PVDF–TiO2 Mixed-Matrix Membrane with PVP and PEG as Pore-Forming Agents for BSA Rejection(SCIE). Nanomaterials, 13(6), Article number 1023.
Anyaegbu, C., Okpara, K., Taweepreda, W., Akeju, D., Techato, K., Onyeneke, R., Poshyachinda, S., & Pongpiachan, S. (2023). Impact of Climate Change on Cassava Yield in Nigeria: An Autoregressive Distributed Lag Bound Approach. Agriculture (switzerland), 13(1), Article number 80.
Pichayakorn, W., Suksaeree, J., Taweepreda, W., & Ritthidej, G. (2022). Polymer Blended Deproteinized Natural Rubber Reservoirs for Nicotine Transdermal Patches: In vitro Drug Release, Permeation Study, and Stability Test (SCIE). Journal Of Polymers And The Environment, 30(3), 988 - 1000.
Pichayakorn, W., Panrat, K., Suksaeree, J., & Taweepreda, W. (2022). Propranolol Hydrochloride Film Coated Tablets Using Natural Rubber Latex Blends as Film Former (SCIE). Journal Of Polymers And The Environment, 30(3), 925 - 937.
Billah, A., Techato, K., & Taweepreda, W. (2020). Energy conversion from wastewater sewage sludge. Asia-pacific Journal Of Chemical Engineering, 2020, 00.
Ali, Q., Taweepreda, W., & Techato, K. (2020). Preparation and characterization of polymer electrolyte membrane from chloroacetate chitosan/chitosan blended with epoxidized natural rubber. Polymer Testing, 82, 106294 (1-11).
Kaewthai, S., Puangmanee, S., & Taweepreda, W. (2019). The effect of field natural rubber latex pretreatment with cationic exchange resin on latex dipped film properties. Journal Of Rubber Research, 22, 91–98.
Wanitsuwan, W., Krainara, P., Kalkornsurapranee, E., Jaruthamsophon, K., Srisintorn, W., Pichayakorn Pharm, W., Taweepreda, W., Wongputtisin, P., & Wannawong, S. (2019). Innovation of Colostomy Appliance from Deproteinised Natural Rubber (DPNR). International Journal Of Innovative Research In Medical Science, 04(09), 525-529.
Phatcharasit, K., & Taweepreda, W. (2018). The effects of zeolite on mechanical and morphological properties of NR/ENR membranes. Malaysian Journal Of Analytical Sciences, 22(5), 851-856.
Phatcharasit, K., Taweepreda, W., & Phummor, P. (2017). Mechanical and Morphological Properties of Sulfur-Cured Natural Rubber/Polyethylene/Epoxidized Natural Rubber Blends. Key Engineering Materials, 757, 14-18.
Jittiarporn, P., Sikong, L., Kooptarnond, K., Taweepreda, W., Stoenescu, S., Badilescu, S., & Truong, V. (2017). Electrochromic properties of MoO3-WO3 thin films prepared by a sol-gel method, in the presence of a triblock copolymer template. Surface & Coatings Technology, 327, 66-74.
Waiprib, R., Boonme, P., Taweepreda, W., Kalkornsurapranee, E., Suksaeree, J., & Pichayakorn, W. (2017). Deproteinized natural rubber latex/gelatinized starch blended films as drug delivery carrier. Monatshefte Für Chemie - Chemical Monthly, 148(7), 1223–1228.
Thongseenuch, S., Taweepreda, W., & Suchiva, K. (2017). Effect of low molecular weight natural rubber on mixing and vulcanized properties of low energy processing natural rubber. Sains Malaysiana, 46(9), 1379-1384.
Lamlong, C., & Taweepreda, W. (2016). Coating of porous PVC-PEG memebrane with crosslinkable XSBR for O2/N2 and CO2/N2 separation. Polymer (united Kingdom), 96, 205-212.
Bhanthumnavin, W., Wanichapichart, P., Taweepreda, W., Sirijarukula, S., & Paosawatyanyong, B. (2016). Surface modification of bacterial cellulose membrane by oxygen plasma treatment. Surface And Coatings Technology, 306, 272-278.
Jittiarporn, P., Sikong, L., Kooptarnond, K., & Taweepreda, W. (2015). Influence of calcination temperature on the structural and photochromic properties of nanocrystalline MoO3. Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures, 10(4), 1237-1248.
Jittiarporn, P., Sikong, L., Kooptarnond, K., & Taweepreda, W. (2014). Effects of precipitation temperature on the photochromic properties of h-MoO3. Ceramics International, 40(8 PART B), 13487-13495.
Taweepreda, W. (2014). Dynamic mechanical and dielectric properties of modified surface chitosan/natural rubber latex. Sains Malaysiana, 43(2), 241-245.
Pichayakorn, W., Boontawee, H., Taweepreda, W., Suksaeree, J., & Boonme, P. (2014). Physicochemical and drug release characterization of lidocaine-loaded transdermal patches prepared from STR-5L block rubber. Industrial And Engineering Chemistry Research, 53(4), 1672-1677.
Taweepreda, W. (2013). Rubber recovery from centrifuged natural rubber latex residue using sulfuric acid. Songklanakarin Journal Of Science And Technology, 35(2), 213-216.
Taweepreda, W., Limphirat, W., & Songsiriritthigul, P. (2013). Oxidative degradation monitoring of natural rubber using s k-edge x-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (xanes. Advanced Materials Research , 620, 440-445.
Pichayakorn, W., Suksaeree, J., Boonme, P., Taweepreda, W., Amnuaikit, T., & Ritthidej, G. (2013). Deproteinised natural rubber used as a controlling layer membrane in reservoir-type nicotine transdermal patches. Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 91(3), 520-529.
Pichayakorn, W., Suksaeree, J., Boonme, P., Amnuaikit, T., Taweepreda, W., & Ritthidej, G. (2013). Deproteinized natural rubber film forming polymeric solutions for nicotine transdermal delivery. Pharmaceutical Development And Technology, 18(5), 1111-1121.
Pichayakorn, W., Suksaeree, J., Boonme, P., Taweepreda, W., Amnuaikit, T., & Ritthidej, G. (2012). Deproteinised natural rubber used as a controlling layer membrane in reservoir-type nicotine transdermal patches. Chemical Engineering Research And Design, 91(3), 520-529.
Panrat, K., Boonme, P., Taweepreda, W., & Pichayakorn, W. (2012). Formulations of Natural Rubber Latex as Film Former for Pharmaceutical Coating. Procedia Chemistry, 4(-), 322-327.
Taweepreda, W., & Phatcharasit, K. (2012). In Situ Coating of Natural Rubber Film with Poly(vinyl chloride) Resin. Procedia Chemistry, 4(-), 232.
Xie, Q., Taweepreda, W., Musikavong, C., & Suksaroj, C. (2012). Removal of organic impurities in waste glycerol from biodiesel production process through the acidification and coagulation processes.. Water Science And Technology, 65(7), 1158-1163.
Pichayakorn, W., Suksaeree, J., Boonme, P., Amnuaikit, T., Taweepreda, W., & Ritthidej, G. (2012). Deproteinized natural rubber film forming polymeric solutions for nicotine transdermal delivery.. Pharaceutical Development And Technology, 18(-), 1-11.
Simchareona, W., Amnuaikita, T., Boonmea, P., Taweepreda, W., & Pichayakorna, W. (2012). Characterization of Natural Rubber Latex Film Containing Various Enhancers. Procedia Chemistry, 4(-), 308-312.
Suksaeree, J., Boonme, P., Taweepreda, W., Ritthidej, G., & Pichayakorn, W. (2012). Characterization, in vitro release and permeation studies of nicotine transdermal patches prepared from deproteinized natural rubber latex blends. Chemical Engineering Research And Design, 90(7), 906-914.
Taweepreda, W., Phatcharasit, K., & Saesia, W. (2012). TPNR Membrane Reinforcing with Cotton Fibre Spun. J. Chem. Chem. Eng, 6(-), 799-802.
Pichayakorn, W., Suksaeree, J., Boonme, P., Taweepreda, W., & Ritthidej, G. (2012). Preparation of Deproteinized Natural Rubber Latex and Properties of Films Formed by Itself and Several Adhesive Polymer Blends. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 51(41), 13393–13404.
Pichayakorn, W., Suksaeree, J., Boonme, P., Amnuaikit, T., Taweepreda, W., & Ritthidej, G. (2012). Deproteinized Natural Rubber Latex/Hydroxypropylmethyl Cellulose Blending Polymers for Nicotine Matrix Films. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 51(25), 8442-8452.
Pichayakorn, W., Suksaeree, J., Boonme, P., Amnuaikit, T., Taweepreda, W., & Ritthidej, G. (2012). Nicotine transdermal patches using polymeric natural rubber as the matrix controlling system: Effect of polymer and plasticizer blends. Journal Of Membrane Science, 411–412(-), 81-90.
Taweepreda, W., & Phatcharasit, K. (2012). Polyethylene Thin Film Coating Preventing the Degradation of Natural Rubber. Engineering Journal, 16(3), 53-58.
Taweepreda, W., & Phatcharasit, K. (2012). Self-assembled nanometric spacer on surface of natural rubber composited with TiO2. World Journal Of Engineering, 9(4), 349-354.
Wanichapichat, P., Taweepreda, W., Nawae, S., Yesenchak, D., & Choomgan, P. (2012). Chain scission and anti fungal effect of electron beam on cellulose membrane. Radiation Physics And Chemistry, 81(8), 949-953.
Sikong, L., Masae, M., Kooptarnond, K., Taweepreda, W., & Saito, F. (2012). Improvement of hydrophilic property of rubber dipping former surface with Ni/B/TiO2 nano-composite film. Applied Surfacescience, 258(10), 4436-4443.
Taweepreda, W., & Wanichapichat, P. (2012). Film Formation of Inclusion Complexes between Acetyl-Beta-Cyclodextrin and Chitosan. Advanced Materials Research, 506(-), 409-412.
Qiaoguang, X., Taweepreda, W., Musikavong, C., & Suksaroj, C. (2011). Separation of oily sludge and glycerol from biodiesel processing waste by coagulation. Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol., 33(6), 699-703.
Masae, M., Sikong, L., Kooptarnond, K., Taweepreda, W., & Saito, F. (2011). Photoactivity and Hydrophilicity of B and Ni Co-Doped TiO2 Films. Advanced Materials Research, 148-149, 1473-1479.
Suknuntha, K., Tantishaiyakul, V., Worakul, N., & Taweepreda, W. (2011). Characterization of muco- and bioadhesive properties of chitosan, PVP, and chitosan//PVP blends and release of amoxicillin from alginate beads coated with chitosan//PVP. Drug Development And Industrial Pharmacy, 37(4), 408-418.
Anancharungsuk, W., Taweepreda, W., Wirasate, S., Thonggoom, R., & Tangboriboonrat, P. (2010). Reduction of Surface Friction of Natural Rubber Film Coated with PMMA Particle: Effect of Particle Size. Journal Of Applied Polymer Science, 115(6), 3680-3686.
สาวะอินทร์, เ., ทวีปรีดา, ว., พืชน์ไพบูลย์, อ., & สุขสาโรจน์, ช. (2010). การทำลายเสถียรภาพและการลดอิมัลชั่นของน้ำเสียจากการผลิตไบโอดีเซลด้วยเกลืออะลูมิเนียม. วารสารวิศวกรรมสิ่งแวดล้อมไทย, 24(1), 57-66.
Wanichapichat, P., Taweepreda, W., Choomgan, P., & Yu, L. (2010). Argon and nitrogen beams influencing membrane permeate fluxes and microbial growth. Radiation Physics And Chemistry, 79(3), 214-218.
Taweepreda, W., Nu-mard, R., Pattansiriwisawa, W., & Songsiriritthigul, P. (2009). Model Compound Vulcanization Studied by XANES. Journal Of Physics: Conference Series, 19(-), 1-4.
บัญชาพัฒนศักดา, ว., ทวีปรีดา, ว., เตชะภัททวรกุล, ธ., & สุขสาโรจน์, ช. (2009). พฤติกรรมการหดตัวและกำลังรับแรงอัดของอิฐดินเหนียวเมื่อผสมกากขี้แป้ง. วิศวกรรมสาร มข., 36(4), 283-292.
Wanichapichat, P., Sungkum, R., Taweepreda, W., & Nisoa, M. (2009). Characteristics of chitosan membranes modified by argon plasmas. Surface & Coatings Technology, 203(17-18), 2531-2535.
Amornchaiyapitak, C., Taweepreda, W., & Tangboriboonrat, P. (2008). Modification of epoxidesed natural rubber film surface by polymerisation of methyl methacrylate. European Polymer Journal, 44(-), 1782-1788.
Sabadini, E., Cosgrove, T., & Taweepreda, W. (2003). Complexation between r-Cyclodextrin and Poly(ethylene oxide) Physically Adsorbed on the Surface of Colloidal Silica. Langmuir, 19(11), 4812-4816.