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Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Tawat Chanadee
Associate Professor
- 8381
- Material Science
- Division of Physical Science

Graduated Year
D.Eng. Prince of Songkla University
M.Eng. Prince of Songkla University
B.Sc. (Materials science) Prince of Songkla University
From Scopus
Author ID: 55151389900
Chanadee T., Vepulanont K., 2024. Titanium Carbide Powder from Magnesiothermic Combustion of Leucoxene: Obtained Particulate Nickel-Coated for Use as MMCs Reinforcement. International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis 33(3): 228-236. (cited 0 times)
Sri-o-Sot S., Vepulanont K., Pitakpornpreecha T., Aroonkesorn A., Charoenpanich A., Srichumpong T., Chanadee T., 2024. CaTiO3 -hydroxyapatite bioceramic composite: Synthesis of reactant powders from waste cockle shell, sintering, characterization and investigation of physical, mechanical and in-vitro biological properties. Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society 60(1): 65-87. (cited 1 times)
Chiengsorn R., Lioroongcharoen S., Charoenpanich A., Chanadee T., 2024. Comparison of Properties of HAp and CaTiO3-HAp Ceramic Composite Fabricated by Different Sintering Conditions. Science of Sintering 56(4): 519-533. (cited 0 times)
Sri-o-sot S., Vepulanont K., Kamkit C., Srichumpong T., Chanadee T., 2022. Fabrication, characterization, and properties of hydroxyapatite ceramics derived from cockle shell. Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society 58(4): 1081-1093. (cited 4 times)
Chanadee T., Niyomwas S., Patcharasit K., Singsarothai S., 2021. Effect of Mg Content on Synthesis of TiC Powder from Leucoxene by Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis Method. ASEAN Journal of Scientific and Technological Reports 24(3): 68-75. (cited 0 times)
Vepulanont K., Sa-Nguanprang S., Buapoon S., Bunluesak T., Suebsom P., Chaisong K., Udomsri N., Karnchana N., Laokae D., Chanadee T., 2021. Nickel ferrite ceramics: combustion synthesis, sintering, characterization, and magnetic and electrical properties. Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies 9(2): 639-651. (cited 19 times)
Rattanaphan N., Chanadee T., 2021. Combustion Synthesis of TiC Powders from Ilmenite Mineral and Activated Carbon. International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis 30(1): 51-54. (cited 1 times)
Radklaochotsatain N., Niyomwas S., Chanadee T., 2020. Zirconium diboride-mullite composite form mineral: Combustion synthesis, consolidation, characterizations and properties. Ceramics International 46(11): 18842-18850. (cited 4 times)
Maitreekeaw K., Chanadee T., 2020. Calcium titanate ceramics obtained by combustion synthesis and two-step sintering. Science of Sintering 52(4): 491-502. (cited 5 times)
Kaemkit C., Niyomwas S., Chanadee T., 2020. The effect of carbon on si to sic ratio in si-sic composite from natural sand. Journal of Ceramic Processing Research 21(4): 460-464. (cited 4 times)
Content provided by Scopus.
From the Faculty of Science
Chiengsorn, R., Lioroongcharoen, S., Charoenpanich, A., & Chanadee, T. (2024). Comparison of Properties of HAp and CaTiO3-HAp Ceramic Composite Fabricated by Different Sintering Conditions (SCIE). Science Of Sintering, 56(4), 519 - 533.
Sri-o-sot, S., Vepulanont, K., Pitakpornpreecha, T., Aroonkesorn, A., Charoenpanich, A., Srichumpong, T., & Chanadee, T. (2024). CaTiO3-hydroxyapatite bioceramic composite: Synthesis of reactant powders from waste cockle shell, sintering, characterization and investigation of physical, mechanical and in-vitro biological properties (SCIE). Journal Of The Australian Ceramic Society, 60(1), 65 - 87.
Chanadee, T., & Vepulanont, K. (2024). Titanium Carbide Powder from Magnesiothermic Combustion of Leucoxene: Obtained Particulate Nickel-Coated for Use as MMCs Reinforcement (ESCI). International Journal Of Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis, 33(3), 228 - 236.
Sri-o-sot, S., Vepulanont, K., Pitakpornpreecha, T., Aroonkesorn, A., Charoenpanich, A., Srichumpong, T., & Chanadee, T. (2023). Accepted-CaTiO3‑hydroxyapatite bioceramic composite: Synthesis of reactant
powders from waste cockle shell, sintering, characterization
and investigation of physical, mechanical and in‑vitro biological
properties (SCIE). Journal Of The Australian Ceramic Society, 00(00), 00.
Sri-o-sot, S., Vepulanont, K., Kamkit, C., Srichumpong, T., & Chanadee, T. (2022). Fabrication, characterization, and properties of hydroxyapatite ceramics derived from cockle shell (SCIE). Journal Of The Australian Ceramic Society, 58(4), 1081 - 1093.
Vepulanont, K., Sa-nguanprang, S., Buapoon, S., Bunluesak, T., Suebsom, P., Chaisong, K., Udomsri, N., Karnchana, N., Laokae, D., & Chanadee, T. (2021). Nickel ferrite ceramics: combustion synthesis, sintering, characterization, and magnetic and electrical properties (SCIE). Journal Of Asian Ceramic Societies, 9(2), 639-651.
Rattanaphan, N., & Chanadee, T. (2021). Combustion Synthesis of TiC Powders from Ilmenite Mineral and Activated Carbon. International Journal Of Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis, 30(1), 51-54.
Maitreekeaw, K., & Chanadee, T. (2020). Calcium Titanate Ceramics Obtained by Combustion Synthesis
and Two-Step Sintering. Science Of Sintering, 52(4), 491-502.
Kaemkit, C., Niyomwas, S., & Chanadee, T. (2020). The effect of carbon on si to sic ratio in si-sic composite from natural sand. Journal Of Ceramic Processing Research, 21(4), 460-464.
Radklaochotsatain, N., Niyomwas, S., & Chanadee, T. (2020). Zirconium diboride-mullite composite form mineral: Combustion synthesis, consolidation, characterizations and properties. Ceramics International, 46(11), 18842-18850.
Myint Maung, S., Chanadee, T., & Niyomwas, S. (2019). Two reactant systems for self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of tungsten silicide. Journal Of The Australian Ceramic Society, 55, 873–882.
Intaphong, P., Radklaochotsatain, N., Somraksa, W., Musigawon, S., Kongthong, N., Kaemkit, R., Samadoloh, S., & Chanadee, T. (2019). Combustion synthesis of nickel ferrite powders: Effect of NaClO4 content on their characteristics and magnetic properties. Current Applied Physics, 2019(19), 548-555.
Chanadee, T., & Singsarothai, S. (2019). Effect of High-Energy Milling on Magnesiothermic Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis in a Mixture of SiO2, C, and Mg Reactant Powders. Combustion, Explosion, And Shock Waves, 55(1), 97–106.
Myint Maung, S., Chanadee, T., & Niyomwas, S. (2019). Intermetallic WSi2–W5Si3 Alloy by Magnesiothermic SHS Reaction. International Journal Of Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis, 28(1), 50-55.
Cherdchom, S., Rattanaphan, T., & Chanadee, T. (2019). Calcium Titanate from Food Waste: Combustion Synthesis, Sintering, Characterization, and Properties. Advances In Materials Science And Engineering, 2019, Article ID 9639016, 9 pages.
Radklaochotsatain, N., Niyomwas, S., & Chanadee, T. (2018). Experimental Study of Combustion Synthesis in Air of ZrB2-Mullite Composite from Different Zirconium Silicate Sources. Russian Journal Of Non-ferrous Metals, 59(4), 440–449.
Chanadee, T., & Singsarothai, S. (2018). Mechanoactivated SHS of Si–SiC Powders from Natural Sand: Influence of Milling Time. International Journal Of Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis, 27(2), 85–88.
Chanadee, T. (2017). SHS synthesis of Si-SiC composite powders using Mg and reactants from industrial waste. Metals And Materials International, 23(6), 1188-1196.
Chanadee, T. (2017). Combustion synthesis of Si-Sic composite powders derived from different silica precursors. Journal Of Ceramic Processing Research, 18(5), 389-393.
Chanadee, T. (2017). Combustion synthesis of nickel-ferrite magnetic materials. International Journal Of Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis, 26, 40-43.
Chanadee, T. (2017). Experimental studies on self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of Si-SiC composite from reactants of SiO2 derived from corn cob ash/C/Mg. Journal Of The Australian Ceramic Society, 53, 45-252.
Chanadee, T., & Chaiyarat, S. (2016). Preparation and characterization of low cost silica powder from sweet corn cobs (Zea mays saccharata L.). Journal Of Materials And Environmental Science, 7(7), 2369-2374.
ชนะดี, ธ. (2015). การผลิตวัสดุขั้นสูงด้วยวิธีปฏิกิริยาก้าวหน้าด้วยตัวเองที่อุณหภูมิสูง. วารสารวิชาการเทคโนโลยีอุตสาหกรรม, 11(3), 97-112.