

นุชนาถ คงช่วย



ปร.ด. (วิธีวิทยาการวิจัย) มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์
วท.ม. (สถิติประยุกต์) มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่
กศ.บ. (คณิตศาสตร์) มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทร์วิโรฒ


ฐานข้อมูล Scopus

Author ID: 35322199800
Lau K.S., Chowdhury M.S., Chia C.H., Kongchouy N., Buatong J., Maneeroth N., Khositharattanakool P., Somwang P., Pengsakul T., 2024. Morphometric analysis of cavernicolous adult Idiophlebotomus asperulus Quate and Fairchild, 1961 female sand flies in Southern Thailand. Canadian Entomologist 156 (cited 0 times)
Kumngen A., Iewkittayakorn J., Meehae U., Suwannarat S., Anuchan S., Chotigeat W., Kunwanlee P., Kongchouy N., Leun-Ram S., Karrila S., 2023. Effects of compost from food waste on growth of lettuce (Lactuca sativa Var Crispa L.). International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture 12(2): 247-258. (cited 6 times)
Sangkhaduang T., Kongchouy N., Visuthismajarn P., 2022. An Evaluation of Tourists’ Compliance with Guidelines for Snorkeling in Haad Chao Mai Marine National Park. GMSARN International Journal 16(4): 405-412. (cited 1 times)
Panityakul T., Suriyaamorn W., Chinram R., Kongchouy N., 2022. Classification models for employability of statistics and related fields graduates from Thailand universities. International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science 17(1): 365-375. (cited 1 times)
Sangkhaduang T., Visuthismajarn P., Kongchouy N., 2021. The relationship between responsible tourism practice, destination sustainability and quality of life: Perspective of Marine National Park communities. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 16(5): 895-901. (cited 5 times)
Kittiwattanawong K., Ponlawat A., Boonrotpong S., Nanakorn N., Kongchouy N., Moonmake S., Pengsakul T., 2020. The effect of plasmodium vivax infection on socs gene expression in anopheles dirus (Diptera: Culicidae). Tropical Biomedicine 37(2): 397-408. (cited 0 times)
Sudsom N., Techato K., Thammapalo S., Pruphetkaew N., Kongchouy N., Chongsuvivatwong V., Pengsakul T., 2020. Indoor spray and windows screens effects on dengue vector density after space spraying in a field trial. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine 13(1): 24-30. (cited 1 times)
Intawongse M., Kongchouy N., Dean J.R., 2018. Bioaccessibility of heavy metals in the seaweed Caulerpa racemosa var. corynephora: Human health risk from consumption. Instrumentation Science and Technology 46(6): 628-644. (cited 28 times)
Thinnukool O., Kongchouy N., 2017. Is Facebook a suitable tool in modern world technology for active learning in as regards 21st century learning?. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 12(10): 173-191. (cited 4 times)
Thinnukool O., Kongchouy N., 2017. The user's satisfaction of graphic user interface in designing for health care mobile application. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering 9(1-5): 11-15. (cited 8 times)



Kumngen, A., Iewkittayakorn, J., Meehae, U., Suwannarat, S., Anuchan, S., Chotigeat, W., Kunwanlee, P., Kongchouy, N., Leun-ram, S., & Karrila, S. (2023). Effects of compost from food waste on growth of lettuce (Lactuca sativa Var Crispa L.) (ESCI). International Journal Of Recycling Of Organic Waste In Agriculture, 12(2), 247 - 258.
Sangkhaduang, T., Kongchouy, N., & Visuthismajarn, P. (2022). An Evaluation of Tourists Compliance with Guidelines for Snorkeling in Haad Chao Mai Marine National Park. Gmsarn International Journal, 16(4), 405 - 412.
Panityakul, T., Suriyaamorn, W., Chinram, R., & Kongchouy, N. (2022). Classification models for employability of statistics and related fields graduates from Thailand universities (ESCI). International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Science, 17(1), 365-375.
Yodpibul, P., Panityakul, T., & Kongchouy, N. (2021). A NOVEL APPROACH FOR HIGH-PERFORMANCE HEAT INDEX FORECASTING FOR THE HOTTEST REGION IN THAILAND. Journal Of Mathematical And Computational Science, 11(4), 4841-4862.
Kittiwattanawong, K., Ponlawat, A., Boonrotpong, S., Nanakorn, N., Kongchouy, N., Moonmake, S., & Pengsakul, T. (2020). The effect of plasmodium vivax infection on socs gene expression in anopheles dirus (Diptera: Culicidae). Tropical Biomedicine, 37(2), 397-408.
Sudsom, N., Techato, K., Thammapalo, S., Pruphetkaew, N., Kongchouy, N., Chongsuvivatwong, V., & Pengsakul, T. (2020). Indoor spray and windows screens effects on dengue vector density after space spraying in a field trial. Asian Pacific Journal Of Tropical Medicine, 13(1), 24-30.
Kittiwattanawong, K., Ponlawat, A., Boonrotpong, S., Na Nakorn, N., Kongchouy, N., Moonmake, S., & Pengsakul, T. (2019). The effect of Plasmodium vivax infection on SOCS gene expression in Anopheles dirus (Diptera: Culicidae). Tropical Biomedicine Journal, 00, 00.
Intawongse, M., Kongchouy, N., & Dean, J. (2018). Bioaccessibility of heavy metals in the seaweed Caulerpa racemosa var. corynephora: Human health risk from consumption. Instrumentation Science And Technology, 00, 1-17.
Thinnukool, O., & Kongchouy, N. (2017). Is Facebook a suitable tool in modern world technology for active learning in as regards 21st century learning?. International Journal Of Emerging Technologies In Learning, 12(10), 173-191.
Thinnukool, O., & Kongchouy, N. (2017). The users satisfaction of graphic user interface in designing for health care mobile application. Journal Of Telecommunication, Electronic And Computer Engineering, 9(1-5), 11-15.
Suwanwong, A., & Kongchouy, N. (2016). Cubic spline regression model and gee for land surface temperature trend using modis in the cloud forest of Khao Nan National Park Southern Thailand during 2000-2015. Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences, 11(11), 2387-2395.
Appianing, C., Kongchouy, N., & Thinnukool, O. (2016). Land use change and development modeling using logistic regression. Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences, 11(7), 1676-1681.
Titipornpun, K., Sriarpanon, S., Titipornpun, A., Gimsa, J., Bhongsuwan, T., & Kongchouy, N. (2016). Measurements of indoor radon concentrations in the phanom and Ko Pha-ngan districts of Surat Thani province, Thailand. Chiang Mai Journal Of Science, 43(3), 494-502.
Yingkajorn, M., Mittraparp-arthorn, P., Nuanualsuwan, S., Pomwised, R., Kongchouy, N., Khamhaeng, N., & Vuddhakul, V. (2014). Prevalence and quantification of pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus during shrimp culture in Thailand. Diseases Of Aquatic Organisms, 112(2), 103-111.
Thinnukool, O., Kongchouy, N., & Choonpradub, C. (2014). Detection of land use change using the R program (A case study of Phuket Island, Thailand). Research Journal Of Applied Sciences, 9(5), 228-237.
Thinnukoo, O., Kongchouy, N., Chonpradub, C., & Appianing, C. (2014). Urbanization of tourism areas in Phuket Island Thailand A case study of Patong Kammala and Karon. Research Journal Of Applied Sciences, 9(6), 336-343.
Sampantarak, U., Kongchouy, N., & Angsupanich, S. (2011). Regression-based Modeling of Environmental Factors Affecting Macrobenthic Fauna in Middle Songkhla Lake, Thailand. Chiang Mai Journal Of Science, 38(3), 412-429.
Kongchouy, N., & Chonpradub, C. (2010). MODELING THE INCIDENCE OF TUBERCULOSIS IN SOUTHERN THAILAND. Southeast Asian Journal Of Tropical Medicine And Public Health, 41(3), 574-582.
Kongchouy, N., Chonpradub, C., & Kuning, M. (2010). Methods for Modeling Incidence Rates with Application to Pneumonia Among Children in Surat Thani Province, Thailand. Chiang Mai Journal Of Science, 37(1), 29-38.