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ฐานข้อมูล Scopus
Author ID: 25652632500
Chantanaorrapint S., Sevanakun N., Suwanmala O., Muangthong P., Chantanaorrapint A., 2024. Gastrodia punctata (Orchidaceae): An addition to the Flora of Thailand. Rheedea 34(3): 205-210. (cited 0 times)
Suwanmala O., Villarreal J.C.A., Li F.W., Chantanaorrapint S., 2024. Phaeoceros perpusillus var. scabrellus (Notothyladaceae, Anthocerotophyta), a new taxon from northern Thailand. PhytoKeys 244: 271-283. (cited 0 times)
Inuthai J., Chantanaorrapint S., 2024. Note on Drepanolejeunea laciniata (Lejeuneaceae) with the first report on androecia and asexual reproductive organs. Hattoria 15: 17-25. (cited 0 times)
Printarakul N., Chantanaorrapint S., 2024. Chenia leptophylla (Pottiaceae), a new genus and species record for Thailand. Hattoria 15: 11-16. (cited 0 times)
Maul K., Wei Y.M., Iskandar E.A.P., Chantanaorrapint S., Ho B.C., Quandt D., Kessler M., 2023. Liverworts show a globally consistent mid-elevation richness peak. Ecology and Evolution 13(3) (cited 5 times)
Chantanaorrapint S., Chantanaorrapint A., Suddee S., 2023. Taeniophyllum rudolfii (Orchidaceae), a new species record for Thailand with a note on its typification. Thai Forest Bulletin (Botany) 51(1): 45-48. (cited 0 times)
He S., Senayai A., Chantanaorrapint S., 2022. Leiodontium geminoserratum (Hypnaceae, Bryophyta), a New Species from Thailand. Novon 30(1): 1-5. (cited 0 times)
Chantanaorrapint A., Chantanaorrapint S., 2022. Aphyllorchis periactinantha (Orchidaceae, Neottieae), a new mycoheterotrophic species from peninsular Thailand. PhytoKeys 215: 107-115. (cited 0 times)
Katagiri T., Chantanaorrapint S., Inoue Y., 2022. On the taxonomic status of Schistochila yakushimensis (Schistochilaceae) from Japan and Thailand. Hattoria 13: 13-24. (cited 0 times)
Printarakul N., Sukkharak P., Adulkittichai K., Chantanaorrapint S., 2022. Bryoerythrophyllum inaequalifolium (Pottiaceae), a new genus and species record for Thailand. Hattoria 13: 25-32. (cited 1 times)
Content provided by Scopus.
Chantanaorrapint, S., Sevanakun, N., Suwanmala, O., Muangthong, P., & Chantanaorrapint, A. (2024). Gastrodia punctata (Orchidaceae): An addition to the Flora of Thailand. Rheedea, 34(3), 205 - 210.
Printarakul, N., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2024). Chenia leptophylla (Pottiaceae), a new genus and species record for Thailand. Hattoria, 15, 11-16.
Inuthai, J., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2024). Note on Drepanolejeunea laciniata (Lejeuneaceae) with the first report on androecia and asexual reproductive organs. Hattoria, 15, 17-25.
Suwanmala, O., Carlos Villarreal A., J., Li, F., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2024). Phaeoceros perpusillus var. scabrellus (Notothyladaceae,Anthocerotophyta), a new taxon from northern Thailand (SCIE). Phytokeys, 244, 271-283.
Chantanaorrapint, S., Chantanaorrapint, A., & Suddee, S. (2023). Taeniophyllum rudolfii (Orchidaceae), a new species record for Thailand with a note on its typification. Thai Forest Bulletin (botany), 51(1), 45 - 48.
Maul, K., Wei, Y., Iskandar, E., Chantanaorrapint, S., Ho, B., Quandt, D., & Kessler, M. (2023). Liverworts show a globally consistent mid-elevation richness peak (SCIE). Ecology And Evolution, 13(3), Article number e9862.
Chantanaorrapint, A., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2022). Aphyllorchis periactinantha (Orchidaceae, Neottieae), a new mycoheterotrophic species from peninsular Thailand (SCIE). Phytokeys, 215, 107 - 115.
Katagiri, T., Chantanaorrapint, S., & Inoue, Y. (2022). On the taxonomic status of Schistochila yakushimensis (Schistochilaceae) from Japan and Thailand. Hattoria, 13, 13 - 24.
Printarakul, N., Sukkharak, P., Adulkittichai, K., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2022). Bryoerythrophyllum inaequalifolium (Pottiaceae), a new genus and species record for Thailand (SCIE). Hattoria, 13, 25 - 32.
He, S., Senayai, A., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2022). Leiodontium geminoserratum (Hypnaceae, Bryophyta), a New Species from Thailand. Novon, 30(1), 1-5.
เปี่ยมเจริญวุฒิ, ฐ., จันทนาอรพินท์, อ., & จันทนาอรพินท์, ส. (2021). ความหลากหลายของเทอริโดไฟต์บริเวณเขาหงอนนาค จังหวัดกระบี่ (Diversity of Pteridophytes at Khao Ngon Nak, Krabi). วารสารพืชศาสตร์สงขลานครินทร์, 8(2), 105-111.
Inuthai, J., Chantanaorrapint, S., Poopath, M., Tetsana, N., Kiewbang, W., & Suddee, S. (2021). Corybas papillatus (Orchidaceae), a new orchid species from peninsular Thailand (SCIE). Phytokeys, 183, 1 - 7.
He, S., Sukkharak, P., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2021). Taxonomic updates and treatments of hypnum (Hypnaceae) in thailand and five new records for thai moss flora. Hattoria, 12, 27 - 39.
Inuthai, J., Chantanaorrapint, S., & Zhu, R. (2021). The liverwort genus drepanolejeunea subgenus rhaphidolejeunea (lejeuneaceae, marchantiophyta) in thailand. Phytotaxa, 522(1), 1 - 14.
Chantanaorrapint, S., Sevanakun, N., Suwanmala, O., Sukkharak, P., Printarakul, N., & He, S. (2021). The moss family Rhachitheciaceae (Dicranales, Bryophyta) in Thailand (SCIE). Phytotaxa, 520(3), 279 - 284.
Putthisawong, N., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2021). Genus osmolindsaea (Lindsaeaceae) in Thailand. Songklanakarin Journal Of Science And Technology, 43(4), 1000 - 1003.
Severova, E., Polevova, S., Yudina, S., Truong, B., Do, T., Chantanaorrapint, S., Suetsugu, K., Tagane, S., Guo, X., Schelkunov, M., & S. Nuraliev, M. (2021). Palynological study of Asian Thismia (Thismiaceae: Dioscoreales) reveals an unusual pollen type (SCIE). Plant Systematics And Evolution, 307(5), Article number 54.
Printarakul, N., Jampeetong, A., Pongkawong, U., Sukkharak, P., Kraichak, E., Adulkittichai, K., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2021). Koponobryum papillosum Printarakul & Chantanaorr., sp. nov. (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta), a New Moss Species from Northern Thailand (SCIE). Cryptogamie Bryologie, 42(9), 143 - 148.
Printarakul, N., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2021). Lectotypification of Sematophyllum latifolium, a new synonym of Wijkia surcularis (Pylaisiadelphaceae, Bryophyta) (SCIE). Phytotaxa, 484(3), 298–300.
Chantanaorrapint, S., & Seelanan, T. (2021). Thismia clavigeroides (Thismiaceae), a New Mycoheterotrophic Species from Thailand (SCIE). Systematic Botany, 46(1), 18-23.
Yudina, S., Schelkunov, M., Nauheimer, L., Crayn, D., Chantanaorrapint, S., Hroneš, M., Sochor, M., Dančák, M., Mar, S., Luu, H., Nuraliev, M., & Logacheva, M. (2021). Comparative Analysis of Plastid Genomes in the Non-photosynthetic Genus Thismia Reveals Ongoing Gene Set Reduction. Frontiers In Plant Science, 12, Article number 602598.
Breinholt, J., Carey, S., Tiley, G., Davis, E., Endara, L., Mcdaniel, S., Neves, L., Sessa, E., Konrat, M., Chantanaorrapint, S., Fawcett, S., Ickert-bond, S., Labiak, P., Larraín, J., Lehnert, M., Lewis, L., Nagalingum, N., Patel, N., Rensing, S., Testo, W., Vasco, A., Villarreal, J., Williams, E., & Burleigh, J. (2021). A target enrichment probe set for resolving the flagellate land plant tree of life. Applications In Plant Sciences, 9(1), Article no.e11406.
Senayai, A., Suwanmala, O., Lomlim, W., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2021). The genus Soella (Lejeuneaceae, Marchantiophyta) new to Thailand. Thai Forest Bulletin (botany), 49(1), 102-105.
เสวนากุล, น., Rawiwan, P., Ghunthong, S., & จันทนาอรพินท์, ส. (2020). ความหลากหลายชนิดของไบรโอไฟต์บริเวณป่าสนผสมก่อ เขตรักษาพันธุ์สัตว์ป่าเชียงดาว จังหวัดเชียงใหม่ (Species diversity of bryophytes in pine-oak forest, Chiang Dao wildlife sanctuary, Chiang Mai province). วารสารพฤกษศาสตร์ไทย (thai Journal Of Botany), 2563(1), 1-21.
Shepeleva, E., Schelkunov, M., Hroneš, M., Sochor, M., Dančák, M., Merckx, V., Kikuchi, I., Chantanaorrapint, S., Suetsugu, K., Tsukaya, H., Mar, S., Luu, H., Li, H., Logacheva, M., & Nuraliev, M. (2020). Phylogenetics of the mycoheterotrophic genus Thismia (Thismiaceae: Dioscoreales) with a focus on the Old World taxa: Delineation of novel natural groups and insights into the evolution of morphological traits. Botanical Journal Of The Linnean Society, 193(3), 287-315.
Sukkharak, P., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2020). The liverwort genus Metzgeria (Metzgeriaceae, Marchantiophyta) in Thailand. Phytotaxa, 441(3), 251-262.
Chantanaorrapint, S., Chantanaorrapint, A., & Sae Wai, J. (2020). The genus Mycaranthes Blume (Orchidaceae) in Thailand. Taiwania, 65(3), 357-364.
เสนาใหญ่, อ., Lomlim, W., & จันทนาอรพินท์, ส. (2020). ความมากชนิดของไบรโอไฟต์บริเวณเขาหงอนนาค จังหวัดกระบี่ (Species richness of bryophytes at Khao Ngon Nak, Krabi Province). วารสารวิทยาศาสตร์ มข. (kku Science Journal), 48(4), 470-482.
Zhang, L., Fan, X., Petchsri, S., Zhou, L., Pollawatn, R., Zhang, X., Zhou, X., Thi Lu, N., Knapp, R., Chantanaorrapint, S., Limpanasittichai, P., Sun, H., Gao, X., & Zhang, L. (2020). Evolutionary relationships of the ancient fern lineage the adders tongues (Ophioglossaceae) with description of Sahashia gen. nov. Cladistics, 36(4), 380-393.
Sangrattanaprasert, J., Kornochaleart, S., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2020). Cololejeunea metzgeriopsis, a new species record for Thailand. Acta Botanica Hungarica, 61(3-4), 415-419.
Sangrattanaprasert, J., Kornochaleart, S., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2019). Cololejeunea metzgeriopsis , a new species record for Thailand. Acta Botanica Hungarica, 61(3-4), 415-419.
Inuthai, J., Sangrattanaprasert, J., Suwanmala, O., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2019). Mohamedia brunnea (Lejeuneaceae, Marchantiophyta),a genus and species new to Thailand. Hattoria, 10, 61-67.
Chantanaorrapint, S., Petchsri, S., Zhang, L., & Zhang, L. (2019). Ophioderma redactophylla (Ophioglossaceae), a new fern from the Malay Peninsula. Phytotaxa, 422(1), 101-105.
Chantanaorrapint, S., Tetsana, N., Tripetch, P., & Suddee, S. (2019). Thismia submucronata (Thismiaceae), a new species from Mainland Southeast Asia. Taiwania, 64(3), 240-244.
Suwanmala, O., He, S., Ellis, L., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2019). Taxonomic note on Calymperes flaviusculum, a synonym of C. moluccense (Calympereaceae, Bryophyta). Phytotaxa, 399(2), 170-172.
Sangrattanaprasert, J., Chantanaorrapint, S., & Zhu, R. (2019). The genus Colura section Gamolepis (Lejeuneaceae, Marchantiophyta) in Malesian region, with the description of Colura sigmoidea. Phytotaxa, 387(1), 40-54.
เพชรขจร, ส., & จันทนาอรพินท์, ส. (2018). ไบรโอไฟต์บริเวณเขาเชี่ยน อําเภอสะเดา จังหวัดสงขลา (Bryophytes at Khao Chian, Sadao district, Songkhla province). วารสารพฤกษศาสตร์ไทย, 10(1), 47-61.
Sangrattanaprasert, J., Chantanaorrapint, S., & Zhu, R. (2018). The genus Colura section Glotta (Lejeuneaceae, Marchantiophyta) in Thailand. Acta Botanica Hungarica, 60(3-4), 425-435.
Putthisawong, N., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2018). A revision of the genus Tapeinidium (Lindsaeaceae) in Thailand. Thai Forest Bulletin (botany), 46(1), 155-161.
Sukkharak, P., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2018). An account of the liverwort genus Porella in Thailand with a new record, P. Obtusata var. macroloba and the occurrence of asymmetrical underleaves associated with left-right symmetry in the genus. Phytotaxa, 35(2), 77-84.
Allen, N., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2018). Octoblepharum benitotanii (Octoblepharaceae) a new species from the Old World Tropics. Philippine Journal Of Systematic Biology, 12(1), 58-66.
Suwanmala, O., Juengprayoon, W., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2018). Notes on Distichophyllum armatum (Daltoniaceae, Bryophyta)in Thailand. Philippine Journal Of Systematic Biology, 12(1), 54-57.
Chantanaorrapint, S. (2018). Lectotypification of Thismia arachnites (Thismiaceae), a mysterious species newly reported for Thailand. Kew Bulletin, 73(3), 1-4.
Chantanaorrapint, S., & Suddee, S. (2018). Thismia thaithongiana (Dioscoreaceae: Thismieae), a new species of mycoheterotroph from an unusual habitat. Phytotaxa, 333(2), 287-292.
He, S., Sukkharak, P., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2018). Pseudoparaphysanthus linisii (Neckeraceae), a new combination and a new record for mainland South-east Asia. Journal Of Bryology, 00, 1-6.
Chantanaorrapint, S., Chantanaorrapint, A., & Suddee, S. (2017). Gastrodia albidoides (Orchidaceae), a new species record for Thailand. Thai Forest Bulletin (botany), 45(2), 105 - 107.
Promma, C., Chantanaorrapint, S., & Zhu, R. (2017). The Genus Tuyamaella (Lejeuneaceae, Marchantiophyta) New to Thailand. Herzogia, 30(1), 74- 79.
Sangrattanaprasert, J., Chantanaorrapint, S., & Zhu, R. (2017). Notes on Colura Crenulata (Lejeuneaceae, Marchantiophyta), a New Record for Thailand, with a Sporophyte Description. Polish Botanical Journal, 62(2), 197-202.
Chantanaorrapint, S., Puangpairote, T., Sae Wai, J., & Chantanaorrapint, A. (2017). Notes on Goodyera Lanceolata (Orchidaceae), a Mysterious Orchid Species. Polish Botanical Journal, 62(2), 229-232.
โรจนอัมพวัน, ป., จันทนาอรพินท์, อ., แสงแก้ว, ส., & จันทนาอรพินท์, ส. (2016). ความหลากหลายชนิดของกล้วยไม้ในเขตรักษาพันธุ์สัตว์ป่าโตนงาช้าง. วารสารพฤกษศาสตร์ไทย, 8(1), 45-63.
Juengprayoon, W., Ho, B., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2016). Genus Calyptrochaeta (Daltoniaceae, Bryophyta) in Thailand. Thai Forest Bulletin, 44(2), 108–115.
Juengprayoon, W., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2016). The genus Ephemeropsis (Daltoniaceae, Bryophyta) in Thailand. Thai Forest Bulletin (botany), 44(1), 1-5.
Chantanaorrapint, S., Sae Wai, J., Poopath, M., & Tetsana, N. (2016). Thismia claviformis (Thismiaceae), a new species from the Thai-Malay Peninsula. Phytotaxa, 280(3), 292-296.
Chantanaorrapint, S., & Chantanaorrapint, A. (2016). Corybas geminigibbus (Orchidaceae), a new species record for Thailand. Thai Forest Bulletin (botany), 44(1), 11-14.
Pocs, T., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2016). Southern Thailand bryophytes III: A preliminary study on non-epiphyllous taxa in lowland areas. Songklanakarin Journal Of Science And Technology, 38(3), 311-318.
Penjor, P., Chantanaorrapint, S., & Meesawat, U. (2016). Morphological and anatomical features of cosmopolitan hornwort: Phaeoceros carolinianus (Michx.) Prosk. Walailak Journal Of Science And Technology, 13(9), 769-779.
หัสมา, บ., & จันทนาอรพินท์, ส. (2015). ความหลากชนิดของไบรโอไฟต์บริเวณน้ำตกเจ้าพะ จังหวัดตรัง. วารสารพฤกษศาสตร์ไทย, 7(1), 27-45.
Rojchana-umpawan, P., Chantanaorrapint, A., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2015). A new species record of Hylophila (Orchidaceae) for Thailand. Thai Forest Bulletin (botany), 43, 66-69.
Chantanaorrapint, S., & Sridith, K. (2015). Thismia nigricans Chantanaorr. & Sridith, a new species of Thismiaceae from Southern Thailand. Phytotaxa, 217(3), 293-297.
Juengprayoon, W., Sukkharak, P., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2015). Genus Schistochila Dumort. (Schistochilaceae, Marchantiophyta) in Thailand. Songklanakarin Journal Of Science And Technology, 37(4), 409-415.
Rattanamanee, S., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2015). Note on notothylas yunannensis (Notothyladaceae, anthocerotophyta), a little known species of hornwort. Songklanakarin Journal Of Science And Technology, 37(3), 271-274.
Chantanaorrapint, S. (2015). Ta xonomic studies on Thai Anthocerotophyta II. The genus Notothylas (Notothyladaceae). Cryptogamie, Bryologie, 36(3), 251-266.
Promma, C., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2015). The epiphyllous Radula (Radulaceae, Marchantiophyta) in Thailand, with the description of Radula grandilobula sp. Nov. Cryptogamie, Bryologie, 36(3), 217-234.
Chantanaorrapint, S., Tetsana, N., & Sridith, K. (2015). Notes on Thismia clandestina (Thismiaceae), a little-known mycoheterotrophic species. Polish Botanical Journal, 60(1), 71-74.
Inuthai, J., Zhu, R., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2015). Taxonomic notes on Drepanolejeunea pleiodictya (Marchantiophyta, Lejeuneaceae), a little-known asiatic species. Polish Botanical Journal, 60(1), 13-17.
Inuthai, J., Zhu, R., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2014). Drepanolejeunea actinogyna (Lejeuneaceae), a new species from southern Thailand. Bryologist, 117(2), 165-169.
Rojchanaumpawan, P., Chantanaorrapint, S., Suddee, S., & Chantanaorrapint, A. (2014). DIDYMOPLEXIELLA TRICHECHUS (ORCHIDACEAE), A NEW SPECIES RECORD FOR THAILAND. Thai Forest Bulletin (botany), 42, 68-70.
Promma, C., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2014). Radula multiflora var. reflexilobula is a synonym of R. decurrens (Radulaceae, Marchantiophyta). Phytotaxa, 186(3), 174-176.
Lee, G., Pocs, T., Chantanaorrapint, S., Damanhuri, A., & Latiff, A. (2014). An account of the genus Lejeunea (Marchantiophyta: Lejeuneaceae) in Thailand, including seven newly recorded species. Cryptogamie Bryologie, 35(3), 247-259.
Chantanaorrapint, S., & Sridith, K. (2014). The genus Plagiochasma (Aytoniaceae, Marchantiopsida) in Thailand. Cryptogamie, Bryologie, 35(2), 127-132.
Sukkharak, P., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2014). Bryophyte Studies in Thailand: Past, Present, and Future. Cryptogamie Bryologie, 35(1), 5-17.
Stankovic, M., จันทนาอรพินท์, ส., & ศรีดิษฐ, ก. (2013). The correlation of the selected environmental factors and the plant communities along the fast-fl owing streams in Peninsular Thailand. วารสารพฤษศษสตร์ไทย, 5(2), 131-142.
Promma, C., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2013). The genus Leucophanes (Calymperaceae, Bryophyta) in Thailand. Thai Forest Bulletin (botany), 41, 23-38.
Stankovic, M., Chantanaorrapint, S., & Sridith, K. (2013). Notes on the vegetation of the fast-flowing streams in Peninsular Thailand, the tropical mainland of South East Asia. Taiwania, 58(4), 275-290.
Lindsay, S., Phutthai, T., Sridith, K., Chantanaorrapint, S., & Middleton, D. (2012). Actinostachys wagneri (Schizaeaceae), a new record for Thailand. Thai Forest Bulletin (botany), 40(-), 14-16.
Ormerod, P., Chantanaorrapint, S., & Hurzweil, H. (2012). Cephalantheropsis longipes (Orchidaceae), a New Record for Peninsular Thailand. Thai Forest Bulletin (botany), 40(-), 118-120.
Chantanaorrapint, S., & Chantanaorrapint, A. (2012). A new species record of Sciaphila (Triuridaceae) for Thailand. Thai Forest Bulletin (botany), 40(-), 114-117.
Zhu, R., Chantanaorrapint, S., He, Q., Kornochalert, S., & Printarakul, N. (2012). Drepanolejeunea laciniata (Lejeuneaceae), a new species from northern Thailand. Cryptogamie Biologie, 33(3), 291-298.
Chantanaorrapint, S. (2012). Thismia filiformis, a new species of Thismiaceae (formerly Burmanniaceae) from Thailand. Kew Bulletin, 67(1), 69-73.
Suddee, S., Chantanaorrapint, S., Tripetch, P., & Thainukul, S. (2010). New records in Lecanorchis Blume and Vanilla Plum. ex Mill. from Thailand, with keys to the Thai species. Thai Forest Bulletin (botany), 38(1), 1-7.
Chantanaorrapint, S., Frahm, ๋., & Pollawatn, R. (2009). New records to the bryoflora of Thailand. Tropical Bryology, 30(-), 17-18.
Chantanaorrapint, S., & Chantanaorrapint, A. (2009). Thismia clavigera (Thismiaceae), a new record for Thailand. Thai. Bull. (bot)., 37(-), 27-31.
Kurzweil, H., Chantanaorrapint, S., & Buakhlai, A. (2009). A New Species of Habenaria (Orchidaceae) from Southeast Asia. Gardens'bulletin Singapore, 60(2), 373-379.
Chantanaorrapint, S. (2009). Phaeoceros Perpusillus (Notothyladaceae), A New Species of Hornwort from Thailand. Acta Botanica Hungarica, 51(1-2), 22-33.
Lai, M., Zhu, R., & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2008). Liverworts and hornworts of Tahiland: an updated checkilst and bryoflorstic accounts. Annales Botanici Finnica, 45(5), 321-341.
Boonkerd, T., Chantanaorrapint, S., & Khwaiphan, W. (2008). Pteridophyte Diversity in the Tropical Lowland Rainforest of Khao Nan National Park, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, Thailand. The Natural History Journal Of Chulalongkorn University, 8(2), 83-97.
Chantanaorrapint, S., Khunwasi, C., Kidyoo, M., & Klinratana, P. (2008). Didymoplexis flexipes J.J. Sm. (Orchidaceae), A New Record for Thailand. The Natural History Journal Of Chulalongkorn University, 8(2), 210-212.
Chantanaorrapint, S. (2008). Thismia Angustimitra (Thismiaceae), A New Species from Thailand. Blumea, 53(3), 524-526.
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