

บุญญฤทธิ์ ฉัตรทอง



Ph.D. (Technology) สถาบันเทคโนโลยีนานาชาติสิรินธร มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์
M.S. (Physics) มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
B.S. (Physics and Mathematics Science) UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA

สาขาเชี่ยวชาญ / สาขาที่สนใจ

fusion plasma, numerical physics


ฐานข้อมูล Scopus

Author ID: 36090773600
Suksaengpanomrung S., Chen D., Poolyarat N., Luo Z., Shen B., Tamman A., Huang Y., Wonghabut P., Nilgumhang K., Promping J., Dangtip S., Wisitsorasak A., Sangaroon S., Chatthong B., Klaywittapat P., Nupangtha W., Wijaikum A., Onjun T., 2025. The first plasma breakdown in Thailand Tokamak - 1 using the Ohmic heating and double swing flux methods based on magnetic field analysis. Fusion Engineering and Design 211 (cited 0 times)
Rongpuit K., Wisitsorasak A., Sangaroon S., Ogawa K., Pattanaboonmee N., Chewpraditkul W., Tangwancharoen S., Suksaengpanomrung S., Tamman A., Chatthong B., Poolyarat N., Isobe M., 2025. Initial results of hard X-ray spectroscopy by LaBr3(Ce) detector for runaway electron study in Thailand Tokamak-1. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 227 (cited 0 times)
Boonchoo R., Promping J., Tamman A., Nisoa M., Wisitsorasak A., Klaywittaphat P., Sangaroon S., Chatthong B., 2024. Electron confinement investigation in low beta magnetic polywell configurations. Fusion Engineering and Design 206 (cited 0 times)
Wisitsorasak A., Shimizu A., Sangaroon S., Ogawa K., Chatthong B., Suksaengpanomrung S., Tamman A., Poolyarat N., Isobe M., 2024. Feasibility study of a Heavy Ion Beam Probe for the Thailand Tokamak-1. Fusion Engineering and Design 198 (cited 2 times)
Klaywittaphat P., Onjun T., Picha R., Promping J., Chatthong B., 2022. Plasma Instability During ITBs Formation with Pellet Injection in Tokamak. ASEAN Journal of Scientific and Technological Reports 25(4): 11-20. (cited 0 times)
Akkarachaiphant T., Chatthong B., Tirawanichakul Y., Luengchavanon M., 2022. CFD Simulations Operated by Two Stack Vertical-Axial Wind Turbines for High Performance. CFD Letters 14(3): 1-10. (cited 5 times)
Chatthong B., Buranachai C., Kalasuwan P., Rakkapao S., Putson C., Soonthornthum B., Aukkaravittayapun S., 2022. The 16th SIAM PHYSICS CONGRESS (SPC2021). Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2145(1) (cited 0 times)
Laosiritaworn Y., Tepnual T., Kessaratikoon P., Sinsarp A., Chatthong B., Daengngam C., Putson C., Buranachai C., Wattanavatee K., Suewattana M., Kaewkao N., Limsakul P., Kalasuwan P., Yuma S., Noisagool S., Rakkapao S., Cheiwchanchamnangij T., Pengpan T., Jompol Y., 2021. Editorial materials. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1719(1) (cited 0 times)
Promping J., Wisitsorasak A., Chatthong B., Nilgumhang K., 2020. Numerical study of supersonic molecular beam injection system in Thailand Tokamak I. Plasma and Fusion Research 15: 1-5. (cited 2 times)
Akkarachaiphant T., Chatthong B., Tirawanichakul Y., 2019. Preliminary design and testing of VAWT blade for low wind speed using CFD. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1380(1) (cited 1 times)



Rongpuit, K., Wisitsorasak, A., Sangaroon, S., Ogawa, K., Pattanaboonmee, N., Chewpraditkul, W., Tangwancharoen, S., Suksaengpanomrung, S., Tamman, A., Chatthong, B., Poolyarat, N., & Isobe, M. (2025). Initial results of hard X-ray spectroscopy by LaBr3(Ce) detector for runaway electron study in Thailand Tokamak-1 (SCIE). Radiation Physics And Chemistry, 227, Article number 112346.
Wisitsorasak, A., Shimizu, A., Sangaroon, S., Ogawa, K., Chatthong, B., Suksaengpanomrung, S., Tamman, A., Poolyarat, N., & Isobe, M. (2024). Feasibility study of a Heavy Ion Beam Probe for the Thailand Tokamak-1 (SCIE). Fusion Engineering And Design, 198, Article number 114068.
Klaywittaphat, P., Onjun, T., Picha, R., Promping, J., & Chatthong, B. (2022). Plasma Instability During ITBs Formation with Pellet Injection in Tokamak. Asean Journal Of Scientific And Technological Reports, 25(4), 11 - 20.
Akkarachaiphant, T., Chatthong, B., Tirawanichakul, Y., & Luengchavanon, M. (2022). CFD Simulations Operated by Two Stack Vertical-Axial Wind Turbines for High Performance. Cfd Letters, 14(3), 1 - 10.
Promping, J., Wisitsorasak, A., Chatthong, B., & Nilgumhang, K. (2020). Numerical Study of Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection Systemin Thailand Tokamak I∗). Plasma And Fusion Research, 15, 1-5.
Promping, J., Wisitsorasak, A., Chatthong, B., Sangaroon, S., Picha, R., & Fukuyama, A. (2019). Predictions of Plasma Behavior Due to Pellet Injection for Future Thailand Tokamak. Plasma And Fusion Research, 14, 3403154 (1-5).
Buaruk, S., Makmool, T., Promping, J., Onjun, T., Sangaroon, S., Wisitsorasak, A., Garcia, J., & Chatthong, B. (2019). Comparisons of the Plasma Performance of Future ThailandTokamak using Various External Heating Schemes. Plasma And Fusion Research, 14, 3403153 (1-6).
Chatthong, B., & Promping, J. (2019). Performance comparison between the ITER- and DEMO-like plasmas using CRONOS simulations. Songklanakarin Journal Of Science And Technology, 41(5), 1154-1161.
Sangaroon, S., Promping, J., Wisitsorasak, A., Chatthong, B., Klaywittaphat, P., Picha, R., & Onjun, T. (2019). Neutronics assessment for the Thailand tokamak upgrade. Plasma And Fusion Research, 14(2), Article number 3405082.
Promping, J., Sangaroon, S., Wisitsorasak, A., Chatthong, B., Picha, R., & Onjun, T. (2018). Plasma Scenario Study for HT-6M Tokamak Using BALDUR Integrated Predictive Modeling Code. Plasma And Fusion Research, 13, Ar.No.3403094 p.1-5 (2018).
Pakdeewanich, J., Onjun, T., & Chatthong, B. (2017). Off-Axis Driven Current Effects on ETB and ITB Formations based on Bifurcation Concept. Journal Of Physics: Conference Series, 901, 1-4.
Chatthong, B., & Onjun, T. (2017). Formation and sustainability of h-mode regime in tokamak plasma via sources perturbations based on two-field bifurcation concept. Sains Malaysiana, 46(9), 1385-1392.
Chatthong, B., & Onjun, T. (2016). Understanding of Hysteresis Behaviors at the L-H-L Transitions in Tokamak Plasma Based on Bifurcation Concept. Contributions To Plasma Physics, 56(6-8), 528-533.
Chatthong, B., & Onjun, T. (2015). Understanding roles of e × B flow and magnetic shear on the formation of internal and edge transport barriers using two-field bifurcation concept. Nuclear Fusion, 56(1), 016010.