

จารุวรรณ มะยะกูล



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วท.ม. (นิเวศวิทยา (นานาชาติ)) มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์
วท.บ. (ชีววิทยา) มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์

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ฐานข้อมูล Scopus

Author ID: 25936598000
Navakanitworakul R., Nittayaboon K., Chumkaew P., Phetcharat S., Mayakun J., 2024. Phytochemical screening and cytotoxic activities of Enhalus acoroides (L.f.) Royle and Halimeda macroloba Decaisne on cervical cancer cell lines. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 23(12): 2053-2057. (cited 0 times)
Tipbunjong C., Hengpratom T., Peerakietkhajorn S., Mayakun J., Huipao N., Khuituan P., Surinlert P., Pholpramool C., 2024. Toxicological Evaluation of Sargassum polycystum in Mice with Loperamide-Induced Constipation. Sains Malaysiana 53(10): 3355-3367. (cited 0 times)
Chintakovid N., Phaonakrop N., Surachat K., Phetcharat S., Wutiruk T., Roytrakul S., Mayakun J., 2024. The Proteome Profile of Halimeda macroloba under Elevated Temperature: A Case Study from Thailand. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 12(7) (cited 0 times)
Trongnit J., Mayakun J., Kaewtatip K., 2024. The effect of agar from the seaweed Gracilaria fisheri on properties of biodegradable starch foam. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 273 (cited 0 times)
Pattarach K., Liu S.L., Mayakun J., 2024. Diversity and Abundance of Non-Geniculate Coralline Algae (NGCA) in Different Reef Conditions and Depth Zones. Chiang Mai Journal of Science 51(3) (cited 0 times)
Titioatchasai J., Kim J.H., Mayakun J., 2024. Benthic Algal Assemblages Associated with Damselfish Territories in The Gulf of Thailand. Chiang Mai Journal of Science 51(1): 1-10. (cited 0 times)
Navakanitworakul R., Wanso D., Phetcharat S., Chumkaew P., Mayakun J., 2023. Variations in total phenolics in Sargassum plagiophyllum and their cytotoxic activities. ScienceAsia 49(6): 791-796. (cited 3 times)
Tipbunjong C., Sengkhim R., Thantongsakul S., Peerakietkhajorn S., Mayakun J., Huipao N., Khuituan P., 2023. Toxicological evaluation of Sargassum plagiophyllumextract in male mice. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 22(11): 2319-2326. (cited 2 times)
Titioatchasai J., Surachat K., Rattanachot E., Tuntiprapas P., Mayakun J., 2023. Assessment of Diversity of Marine Organisms among Natural and Transplanted Seagrass Meadows. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 11(10) (cited 2 times)



Tipbunjong, C., Hengpratom, T., Peerakietkhajorn, S., Mayakun, J., Huipao, N., Khuituan, P., Surinlert, P., & Pholpramool, C. (2024). Toxicological Evaluation of Sargassum polycystum in Mice with Loperamide-Induced Constipation (SCIE). Sains Malaysiana, 53(10), 3355 - 3367.
Pattarach, K., Liu, S., & Mayakun, J. (2024). Diversity and Abundance of Non-Geniculate Coralline Algae (NGCA) in Different Reef Conditions and Depth Zones (SCIE). Chiang Mai Journal Of Science, 51(3), Article number e2024050.
Trongnit, J., Mayakun, J., & Kaewtatip, K. (2024). The effect of agar from the seaweed Gracilaria fisheri on properties of biodegradable starch foam (SCIE). International Journal Of Biological Macromolecules, 273, Article number 132952.
Titioatchasai, J., Kim, J., & Mayakun, J. (2024). Benthic Algal Assemblages Associated with Damselfish Territories in The Gulf of Thailand (SCIE). Chiang Mai Journal Of Science, 51(1), 1 - 10.
Pattarach, K., Surachat, K., Liu, S., & Mayakun, J. (2024). Water depth outweighs reef condition in shaping non-geniculate coralline algae-associated microbial communities in coral reefs: A case study from Thailand (SCIE). Heliyon, 10(3), Article number e25486.
Navakanitworakul, R., Wanso, D., Phetcharat, S., Chumkaew, P., & Mayakun, J. (2023). Variations in total phenolics in Sargassum plagiophyllum and their cytotoxic activities (SCIE). Scienceasia, 49(6), 791 - 796.
Tipbunjong, C., Sengkhim, R., Thantongsakul, S., Peerakietkhajorn, S., Mayakun, J., Huipao, N., & Khuituan, P. (2023). Toxicological evaluation of Sargassum plagiophyllumextract in male mice (SCIE). Tropical Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research, 22(11), 2319 - 2326.
Titioatchasai, J., Surachat, K., Rattanachot, E., Tuntiprapas, P., & Mayakun, J. (2023). Assessment of Diversity of Marine Organisms among Natural and Transplanted Seagrass Meadows (SCIE). Journal Of Marine Science And Engineering, 11(10), 1-20.
Phetcharat, S., Pattarach, K., Chen, P., Wang, W., Liu, S., & Mayakun, J. (2023). Species diversity and distribution of the calcareous green macroalgae Halimeda in Taiwan, Spratly Island, and Dongsha Atoll, with the proposal of Halimeda taiwanensis sp. nov. (SCIE). Phycological Research, 71(2), 116 - 130.
Titioatchasai, J., Surachat, K., Kim, J., & Mayakun, J. (2023). Diversity of Microbial Communities Associated with Epilithic Macroalgae in Different Coral Reef Conditions and Damselfish Territories of the Gulf of Thailand (SCIE). Journal Of Marine Science And Engineering, 11(3), Article number 514.
Kaewtatip, K., Saepoo, T., Sarak, S., Mayakun, J., & Chaibundit, C. (2023). Preparation and characterization of biodegradable starch foam composite with treated Khlum fiber for food packaging (SCIE). Journal Of Applied Polymer Science, 140(17), Article number e53782.
Kongsap, V., Rattanachot, E., Prathep, A., Buaphol, W., & Mayakun, J. (2023). A high abundance of Holothuria (Halodeima) atra (Holothuroidea Aspidochirotida) in a Halimeda-dominated habitat (SCIE) . Journal Of Marine Science And Engineering, 11(2), Article number 451.
Saepoo, T., Sarak, S., Mayakun, J., Eksomtramage, T., & Kaewtatip, K. (2023). Thermoplastic starch composite with oil palm mesocarp fiber waste and its application as biodegradable seeding pot (SCIE). Carbohydrate Polymers, 299, Article No.120221.
Nakpan, A., Mayakun, J., & Wangkulangkul, K. (2023). Population ecology and habitat use of the sea slug Elysia pusilla (Bergh, 1872) (Sacoglossa) in a tropical Halimeda macroloba Decaisne meadow. Trends In Sciences, 20(1), 00.
Mayakun, J., Klinkosum, P., Chaichanasongkram, T., Sarak, S., & Kaewtatip, K. (2022). Characterization of a new natural cellulose fiber from Enhalus acoroides and its potential application (SCIE). Industrial Crops And Products, 186, Article No.115285.
Kongsap, V., Rattanachot, E., Buaphol, W., & Mayakun, J. (2022). Growth Analysis of the Sea Cucumber Holothuria (Halodeima) atra (Holothuroidea Aspidochirotida) in Seagrass and Seaweed Habitats. Journal Of Fisheries And Environment, 46(1), 28 - 36.
Kachaanun, P., Numnuam, A., Mayakun, J., & Kaewtatip, K. (2022). Utilization of brown alga (Sargassum plagiophyllum) as an efficient reinforcement material for application in wheat gluten biocomposites (SCIE). Journal Of Applied Polymer Science, 139(18), Article number 52080.
Mayakun, J., Prathep, A., & Kim, J. (2022). Wave exposure, shore level, and season of clearing modulate early algal abundance and succession in an intertidal zone (SCIE). Phycological Research, 70(2), 97 - 107.
Sarak, S., Boonsuk, P., Sukolrat, A., Mayakun, J., & Kaewtatip, K. (2022). Effects of alkali treatment duration on properties of Khlum fiber for application as a reinforcement material (SCIE). International Journal Of Environmental Science And Technology, 19(4), 2337 - 2344.
Pongsuwan, C., Boonsuk, P., Sermwittayawong, D., Aiemcharoen, P., Mayakun, J., & Kaewtatip, K. (2022). Banana inflorescence waste fiber: An effective filler for starch-based bioplastics (SCIE). Industrial Crops And Products, 180, Article number 114731.
Kongsap, V., Rattanachot, E., Buaphol, W., & Mayakun, J. (2022). Accepted-Growth Analysis of the Sea Cucumber Holothuria (Halodeima) atra (Holothuroidea Aspidochirotida) in Seagrass and Seaweed Habitats. Journal Of Fisheries And Environment, 46(1), 00.
Saetan, U., Nontasak, P., Palasin, K., Saelim, H., Wonglapsuwan, M., Mayakun, J., Pongparadon, S., & Chotigeat, W. (2021). Potential health benefits of fucoidan from the brown seaweeds Sargassum plagiophyllum and Sargassum polycystum (SCIE). Journal Of Applied Phycology, 33(5), 3357 - 3364.
Jantasrirad, S., Mayakun, J., Numnuam, A., & Kaewtatip, K. (2021). Effect of filler and sonication time on the performance of brown alga (Sargassum plagiophyllum) filled cassava starch biocomposites. Algal Research-biomass Biofuels And Bioproducts, 56, Article number 102321.
Mayakun, J., Liao, C., & Liu, S. (2020). The standing stock and CaCO3 contribution of Halimeda macroloba in the tropical seagrass-dominated ecosystem in Dongsha Island, the main island of Dongsha Atoll, South China Sea. (SCIE). Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom, 100(8), 1219 - 1227.
Mayakun, J., Prathep, A., & Kim, J. (2020). Timing of disturbance, top‐down, and bottom‐up driving on early algal succession patterns in a tropical intertidal community. Phycological Research, 68(2), 135-143.
Mayakun, J. (2019). Spatial variation in early patterns of algal recruitment in a tropical intertidal community. Songklanakarin Journal Of Science And Technology, 41(2), 483-489.
Mayakun, J., & Prathep, A. (2019). Calcium carbonate productivity by Halimeda macroloba inthe tropical intertidal ecosystem: The significant contributorto global carbonate budgets. Phycological Research, 67, 94–101.
Pattarach, K., Phetcharat, S., & Mayakun, J. (2019). Some species of Gracilaria (Gracilariaceae, Rhodophyta) from Southern Thailand. Taxonomy Of Southeast Asian Seaweeds Iii, 2019, 47-57.
Titioatchasai, J., Prathep, A., & Mayakun, J. (2019). Pattern of Algal Succession in the Tropical Subtidal Coral Reef Community at Koh Taen, Mu Ko Thale Tai National Park, the Gulf of Thailand. Journal Of Fisheries And Environment, 43(3), 11-18.
Pattarach, K., Mayakun, J., & Angelo Draisma, S. (2019). An Enigmatic Caulerpa macrodisca Decaisne (Chlorophyta) from the Mangrove Channels on the Andaman Sea Coast of Thailand. Journal Of Fisheries And Environment, 43(2), 27-42.
Chiachun, C., Mayakun, J., Prathep, A., & Kaewtatip, K. (2019). Comparison of the effects of calcified green macroalga (Halimeda macroloba Decaisne) and commercial CaCO3 on the properties of composite starch foam trays. International Journal Of Biological Macromolecules, 121, 71–76.
Pattarach, K., Titioatchasai, J., Darakrai, A., & Mayakun, J. (2018). Effects of wave exposure and shore level on seagrass abundance and distribution in the intertidal community. Songklanakarin Journal Of Science And Technology, 40(6), 1446-1450.
Prathep, A., Kaewsrikhaw, R., Mayakun, J., & Darakrai, A. (2018). The effects of light intensity and temperature on the calcification rate of Halimeda macroloba. Journal Of Applied Phycology, 00, 1-8.
Sondak, C., Ang Jr, P., Beardall, J., Bellgrove, A., Boo, S., Gerung, G., Hepburn, C., Hong, D., Hu, Z., Kawai, H., Largo, D., Ae Lee, J., Lim, P., Mayakun, J., Nelson, W., Oak, J., Phang, S., Sahoo, D., Peerapornpis, Y., Yang, Y., & Kyo Chung, I. (2017). Erratum to: Carbon dioxide mitigation potential of seaweed aquaculture beds (SABs). Journal Of Applied Phycology, 29(5), 2375-2376.
Mayakun, J., Ha Kim, J., Lapointe, B., & Prathep, A. (2017). Resource allocation of Halimeda macroloba Decaisnein relation to nitrogen and phosphorus enrichment. Songklanakarin Journal Of Science And Technology (sjst), 39(3), 269-273.
Sondak, C., Ang Jr, P., Beardall, J., Bellgrove, A., Boo, S., Gerung, G., Hepburn, C., Hong, D., Hu, Z., Kawai, H., Largo, D., Lee, J., Lim, P., Mayakun, J., Nelson, W., Oak, J., Phang, S., Sahoo, D., Peerapornpis, Y., Yang, Y., & Chung, I. (2016). Carbon dioxide mitigation potential of seaweed aquaculture beds (SABs). Journal Of Applied Phycology, 29(5), 2363–2373.
Mayakun, J., Bunruk, P., & Kongsaeng, R. (2014). Growth rate and calcium carbonate accumulation of Halimeda macroloba Decaisne (Chlorophyta: Halimedaceae) in Thai waters. Songklanakarin Journal Of Science And Technology, 36(4), 419-423.
มะยะกูล, จ. (2014). สาหร่ายสีเขียว Halimeda macroloba Decaisne ในประเทศไทย. วารสารวิทยาศาสตร์ มข., 42(2), 262-273.
Mayakun, J., Kim, J., Lapointe, B., & Prathep, A. (2013). Algal response to nutrient enrichment; insights into growth and chemical concentrations in two algae, Halimeda macroloba Decaisne and Turbinaria conoides (J. Agardh) Kützing.. Songklanakarin Journal Of Science And Technology, 35(5), 389-395.
Mayakun, J., Ha Kim, J., Lapointe, B., & Prathep, A. (2013). Effect of nutrient enrichment and herbivry on morphology, reproduction and chemical content of Turbinaria conoides (Phaeophyceae). Phycological Research, 61(4), 270-276.
Mayakun, J., Kim, J., Lapointe, B., & Prathep, A. (2012). Gametangial characteristics in the sexual reproduction of Halimeda macroloba Decaisne (Chlorophyta: Halimedaceae). Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol., 34(2), 211-216.