

กิตติรัตน์ ภู่พลับ

Fellow (UKPSF)
พี่เลี้ยง UKPSF


ปร.ด. (ฟิสิกส์) มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์
วท.บ. (ฟิสิกส์) มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์

สาขาเชี่ยวชาญ / สาขาที่สนใจ

Biophysics, Electronics


ฐานข้อมูล Scopus

Author ID: 57203847698
Wongsing B., Promkot S., Naksen P., Ouiganon S., Buranachai C., Phooplub K., Jarujamrus P., 2023. The Development of the Fluorescence-based Portable Device for Lead (II) and Formalin Determination in Food Samples by Using Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Dots (N-CDs). Journal of Fluorescence 33(2): 565-574. (cited 4 times)
Prachugsorn A., Thanakiatkrai P., Phooplub K., Ouiganon S., Sriaead Y., Thavarungkul P., Kanatharana P., Buranachai C., Kitpipit T., 2022. Detection of porcine DNA in food using direct asymmetric PCR and catalyzed hairpin assembly fluorescent biosensor: A novel assay for halal food analysis. Food Control 139 (cited 8 times)
Ponlakhet K., Phooplub K., Phongsanam N., Phongsraphang T., Phetduang S., Surawanitkun C., Buranachai C., Loilome W., Ngeontae W., 2022. Smartphone-based portable fluorescence sensor with gold nanoparticle mediation for selective detection of nitrite ions. Food Chemistry 384 (cited 21 times)
Phooplub K., Ouiganon S., Thavarungkul P., Kanatharana P., Buranachai C., 2022. Portable device for dual detection of fluorescence and absorbance for biosensing or chemical sensing applications. HardwareX 11 (cited 1 times)
Taron W., Phooplub K., Sanchimplee S., Piyanamvanich K., Jamnongkan W., Techasen A., Phetcharaburanin J., Klanrit P., Namwat N., Khuntikeo N., Boonmars T., Sithithaworn P., Ouiganon S., Kanatharana P., Thavarungkul P., Buranachai C., Loilome W., Ngeontae W., 2021. Smartphone-based fluorescent ELISA with simple fluorescent enhancement strategy for Opisthorchis viverrini (Ov) antigen detection in urine samples. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 348 (cited 20 times)
Chunin N., Phooplub K., Kaewpet M., Wattanasin P., Kanatharana P., Thavarungkul P., Thammakhet-Buranachai C., 2019. A novel 3D-printed solid phase microextraction device equipped with silver-polyaniline coated pencil lead for the extraction of phthalate esters in cosmeceutical products. Analytica Chimica Acta 1091: 30-39. (cited 31 times)
Phooplub K., Meesane J., Muensit N., 2018. Development of Young's modulus for collagen thin films reinforced with ZnO nanorods probed by Atomic force microscopy. Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express 4(5) (cited 5 times)
Phooplub K., Muensit N., 2018. Electro-mechanical properties of poly(vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene) reinforced with zinc oxide nanostructure. Micro and Nano Letters 13(8): 1063-1067. (cited 6 times)



Wongsing, B., Promkot, S., Naksen, P., Ouiganon, S., Buranachai, C., Phooplub, K., & Jarujamrus, P. (2023). The Development of the Fluorescence-based Portable Device for Lead (II) and Formalin Determination in Food Samples by Using Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Dots (N-CDs) (SCIE). Journal Of Fluorescence, 33(2), 565 - 574.
Phooplub, K., Ouiganon, S., Thavarungkul, P., Kanatharana, P., & Buranachai, C. (2022). Portable device for dual detection of fluorescence and absorbance for biosensing or chemical sensing applications. Hardwarex, 11, Article number e00268.
Prachugsorn, A., Thanakiatkrai, P., Phooplub, K., Ouiganon, S., Sriaead, Y., Thavarungkul, P., Kanatharana, P., Buranachai, C., & Kitpipit, T. (2022). Detection of porcine DNA in food using direct asymmetric PCR and catalyzed hairpin assembly fluorescent biosensor: a novel assay for Halal food analysis (SCIE). Food Control Journal, 139, Article No.108989.
Ponlakhet, K., Phooplub, K., Phongsanam, N., Phongsraphang, T., Phetduang, S., Surawanitkun, C., Buranachai, C., Loilome, W., & Ngeontae, W. (2022). Smartphone-based portable fluorescence sensor with gold nanoparticle mediation for selective detection of nitrite ions (SCIE). Food Chemistry, 384, Article number 132478.
Taron, W., Phooplub, K., Sanchimplee, S., Piyanamvanich, K., Jamnongkan, W., Techasen, A., Phetcharaburanin, J., Klanrit, P., Namwat, N., Khuntikeo, N., Boonmars, T., Sithithaworn, P., Ouiganon, S., Kanatharana, P., Thavarungkul, P., Buranachai, C., Loilome, W., & Ngeontae, W. (2021). Smartphone-based fluorescent ELISA with simple fluorescent enhancement strategy for Opisthorchis viverrini (Ov) antigen detection in urine samples (SCIE). Sensors And Actuators B: Chemical, 348, Article number 130705.